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San Marcos Durable Powers Of Attorney

We have been confidently guiding San Diego and North County families through the estate planning and administration process for more than 30 years.


San Marcos Durable Powers Of Attorney

We have been confidently guiding San Diego and North County families through the estate planning and administration process for more than 30 years.


San Marcos Durable Powers Of Attorney

We have been confidently guiding San Diego and North County families through the estate planning and administration process for more than 30 years.

San Marcos Durable Powers of Lawyer

When creating your estate plan, you might find it prudent to add a durable power of attorney. This document may be necessary in case you are unable to handle your personal financial affairs and need someone trusted to do so in your stead. Choosing an individual and creating a San Marcos durable powers of attorney document can feel overwhelming, which is why it is vital to get legal help from a professional who can walk you through all the details surrounding this process.

Unfortunately, there are many things that may prevent you from handling your own affairs successfully. These can range from simply being absent on vacation to a serious and incapacitating injury or illness. In these circumstances, establishing a person with the authority to act for you via a durable power of attorney is a wise course of action. Retaining the counsel of a lawyer can make sure that this establishment is the right choice for your needs and circumstances.

What Is a Durable Power of Attorney in San Marcos?

A durable power of attorney is a document that allows your agent, or the person you put in charge of handling personal affairs if necessary, to manage your finances if you find yourself unable or unwilling to do so.

In other examples of powers of attorney, the agent loses their authority if the person who appointed them is found to be incapable of making their own decisions. A durable power of attorney prevents this. However, this must be laid out in specific detail and legal language within this document, which can be a vital part of an estate plan and benefit both yourself and your loved ones.

California also has a durable power of attorney that pertains directly to healthcare-related decisions. This document can grant your agent the ability to make healthcare decisions or end-of-life decisions in the event that you are not able to make them yourself. In California, a power of attorney for healthcare is automatically considered durable because it includes language that makes it effective only if the person who established it is found to be incapacitated.

How Paul V.L. Campo Attorney at Law, Can Help

For over thirty years, Paul V.L. Campo has been helping clients through the complex world of estate planning. He is passionate about drafting a durable power of attorney for you and making sure that it is legally and correctly signed to be valid in accordance with California law.

Selecting the right legal counsel is key to the success of your estate plan. A skilled and experienced attorney like Paul V.L. Campo can assist in drafting your durable power of attorney, making sure it not only aligns with your unique needs and the legal requirements of the state, but also fits seamlessly into your estate plan overall.

The Importance of a Power of Attorney

Some people might wonder if a durable power of attorney is important for their estate plan. Creating this document is crucial because it has the ability to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Gets rid of the need for court-ordered conservatorship or guardianship
  • Allows you and your loved ones peace of mind
  • Allows your agent to look for services or information that meets your needs
  • Creates privacy for you and your loved ones
  • Gives you the power to name a trusted individual to manage your financial and personal affairs even if you cannot manage them yourself
  • Helps you have a discussion on your preferences and desires with your loved ones
  • Makes sure there are no delays when needing to accomplish urgent tasks or making crucial life decisions

A skilled and competent California estate planning lawyer can help you establish this document and implement these objectives when and if necessary.

How to Choose a Power of Attorney

When choosing an agent to exercise your durable power of attorney, there are several things you may want to look for. You should choose someone who you believe is trustworthy, competent, and dependable. It is also wise to select someone who both knows and respects your intentions but does not have any conflicts of interest with your wishes. Finally, it is helpful to choose a person who can make quick and smart decisions under stress or pressure.

Choosing an agent you can trust is something an experienced attorney can assist you with, prioritizing the fact that your needs and interests are being met above all else.

The Roles and Responsibilities of a Power of Attorney

In California, the agent you appoint as your durable power of attorney must act on the interests and wishes of the person who established it. There are a litany of duties that come along with this position, including:

  • Maintaining a separation between their property and yours
  • Acting on your behalf to the extent of the specific instructions laid out in the power of attorney
  • Keeping you informed of all their activities
  • Avoiding any potential conflict of interest
  • Managing and keeping accurate records of all financial actions done on your behalf

When a power of attorney is signed, these responsibilities become official. However, if you decide to revoke your power of attorney, the agent must be made aware.

The Length of a Durable Power of Attorney in San Marcos

In the state of California, a durable power of attorney can last for the individual’s lifetime unless it is terminated. It is also possible for it to last a specific period of time, which is written into the document.

If you find yourself in a position of wanting to revoke your durable power of attorney, it is prudent to speak with a lawyer about preparing a new document in order to avoid a period of time where you have no one authorized to act on your behalf.

Requirements When Creating a Power of Attorney

When creating a durable power of attorney, there are certain general requirements that apply in order for it to be considered valid. These requirements typically include:

  • Your power of attorney must be put into writing.
  • You must sign your power of attorney.
  • You may find yourself required to have your power of attorney witnessed and notarized
  • Your power of attorney must include the date on which it was created, the date it expires (if applicable), the name of your appointed agent, and a detailed description of what you are granting them the authority for.

In doing this, it is wise to meet with an estate planning attorney who can ensure all these requirements are met. You do not want to find yourself in a position where you need the services of your agent only to realize you didn’t legally or properly give them the authority.


Q: What Is the Difference Between a Durable Power of Attorney and a POA?

A: The main difference between a durable power of attorney and other forms of powers of attorney (POA) is the fact that a durable power of attorney remains in effect even when the individual who established it is incapacitated or unable to make their own decisions. A durable power of attorney only expires upon the individual’s death or if the document is terminated or revoked.

Q: What Are the Disadvantages of a Durable Power of Attorney?

A: As with many things, there are certain disadvantages to the establishment of a durable power of attorney. Sometimes, there can be difficulty experienced when choosing the right agent, which can lead to familial disputes and conflict. In other cases, the agent may have the potential to abuse their power, as they have significant control over your affairs.

Q: What Three Decisions Cannot Be Made by a Legal Power of Attorney?

A: Under any form of a power of attorney, the agent appointed cannot change, revoke, or invalidate the will of the individual who established the power of attorney. They also cannot act outside of the individual’s interest or wishes, and they cannot violate the document or make any decisions regarding the individual after their death.

Q: How Do I File a Durable Power of Attorney in California?

A: In the state of California, you must create your durable power of attorney by using a do-it-yourself program, a statutory form, or with an attorney. The document must then be signed in the presence of a notary public or, in some cases, witnesses. Then, store your document in a safe place and give a copy to your agent. You should also consider making a copy available to your financial institutions or banks.

How Legal Counsel Can Assist You

It is never too early to plan for your future. In the unfortunate case where you find yourself incapacitated, critically ill, unwilling, or otherwise unable to make these vital decisions for yourself, you and your loved ones can have peace of mind in knowing that your affairs and life decisions are in competent and trusted hands. An experienced estate planning attorney can analyze your unique needs and help you draft a durable power of attorney that fits your needs.

Contact the team at Paul V.L. Campo Attorney at Law, if you find yourself considering a durable power of attorney. Our firm has the experience and skill required to assist our clients through the complicated procedures that are often involved in these legal matters. We can help you in drafting this document and ensure you choose the right agent to fit your needs.

What Our Clients Say | Legal Associations

  • Jason

    “Thank you for your services in managing the probate of my mother’s estate. Your professionalism and fairness are much appreciated.”

    Probate Client
  • Patty, California Licensed Professional Fiduciary (CLPF)

    “As a client of Paul’s in my capacity as a Professional Fiduciary, he has guided me through the intricacies of trust administration on many occasions.”

    Patty, California Licensed Professional Fiduciary (CLPF)
    Trust Administration Client
  • Jean

    “Mr. Campo did a great job on my estate planning. He was very thorough and made me aware of several things I hadn’t considered. I highly recommend him.”

    Estate Planning/Trust Administration Client
  • Carol, Lt. Col. USMC (Ret.)

    “The service I received goes beyond professionalism. It’s all about caring for my wishes and goals and coming up with the ideal estate plan for me.”

    Carol, Lt. Col. USMC (Ret.)
    Estate Planning Client
  • Del

    “I am very grateful to Attorney Paul Campo and his excellent staff for guiding me through the complex probate process.”

    Probate Client

What Our Clients Say | Legal Associations

  • Jason

    “Thank you for your services in managing the probate of my mother’s estate. Your professionalism and fairness are much appreciated.”

    Probate Client
  • Patty, California Licensed Professional Fiduciary (CLPF)

    “As a client of Paul’s in my capacity as a Professional Fiduciary, he has guided me through the intricacies of trust administration on many occasions.”

    Patty, California Licensed Professional Fiduciary (CLPF)
    Trust Administration Client
  • Jean

    “Mr. Campo did a great job on my estate planning. He was very thorough and made me aware of several things I hadn’t considered. I highly recommend him.”

    Estate Planning/Trust Administration Client
  • Carol, Lt. Col. USMC (Ret.)

    “The service I received goes beyond professionalism. It’s all about caring for my wishes and goals and coming up with the ideal estate plan for me.”

    Carol, Lt. Col. USMC (Ret.)
    Estate Planning Client
  • Del

    “I am very grateful to Attorney Paul Campo and his excellent staff for guiding me through the complex probate process.”

    Probate Client

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